The artichoke, more specifically called the globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus), is actually a bud that grows on a certain kind of thistle. Because they are Mediterranean natives, artichokes produced in the US are grown in warm climates such as southern California.
They are not just tasty; they have many health benefits as well. Here are some of them.
1. Liver Tonic
Artichokes contain cynarin, a phytochemical (or plant chemical) that improves liver function. It increases the production of bile. Artichokes help cleanse the liver of toxins and impurities, thus improving overall liver and body function. The herb milk thistle, which is well known as a liver tonic, and artichokes - also a thistle - are closely related.
2. Digestion
Dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome have both been shown to benefit from artichoke consumption. Dyspepsia is generally considered a result of low bile function, and as noted above, artichokes help increase bile production. Artichokes' fiber can help digestive problems, too.
3. Cardiovascular
Artichokes are good for the blood. Not only do they contain iron, but they also enhance the speed at which blood clots.
The cynarin in artichokes also helps lower levels of blood cholesterol. This may be attributable to their liver-cleansing effect, since the liver is responsible for the processing of cholesterol. Artichokes are also a good source of fiber, and a diet rich in fiber is associated with cardiovascular health.
4. Vitamins and Minerals
Artichokes contain a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and folate.
5. Diabetes
Artichokes help regulate blood sugar levels. The reason is the presence of a carbohydrate, which takes the form of insulin. It acts differently than other carbohydrates (sugars), making it low in calories and an excellent food for diabetics.
6. Antioxidants
While berries and red wine get a lot of attention as containing antioxidants, globe artichokes were actually shown to contain more antioxidants than these foods in one study. Antioxidants are implicated in cancer prevention.
7. Urinary Health
Artichokes' high potassium content helps prevent kidney stones. Artichokes are also a mild diuretic, and have been implicated in aiding bladder problems.
When choosing artichokes to consume, look for compact, dark green leaves. The artichoke should feel heavy for its size. Steam artichokes whole, after cutting off the stem and removing any damaged outer leaves. Some people slice off the top third or so of the artichoke, removing some of the pointy leaf tips.
When consuming artichokes, pluck off individual steamed leaves and dip them in lemon butter, then scrape the flesh off the base of the leaf with your teeth. Once the leaves are eaten, remove the stiff hairs from the heart and eat it, too. Chop the discarded leaves and brew them into a healing tea.