Monday, August 16, 2010

Of course the HCG diet works! How could it not?

For a few months now I have been quietly observing all the excitement over the HCG diet. Its claim is that you can lose a pound a day seems very inviting to others. We are a society of instant gratification and I know how hard it is sometimes to release pounds and inches while just eating healthy and exercising.

So along comes a claim that HCG can help you lose 1 pound a day! Now that’s something to get excited about, right?

I rarely take a strong stance against diets, nutritional programs out there but I just have to say that with this one, it seems that “common sense” has flown out the window.

At first, I was intrigued to find out about it because losing a pound a day seems like it must be really effective, but then as I researched it more, it was like — DUH! You have to reduce your calorie intake to 500 calories per day.

There are many other restricitions to the diet that would cause you to lose pounds and inches.

“What little food can be consumed is supposed to be high in protein and low in starches, carbohydrates and high-fat foods. Alcohol is forbidden, and updated versions of the diet sometimes include additional appetite suppressants, such as daily injections of phentermine or other stimulants.”

I can tell you that anyone that reduces their calorie intake this low and reduces their intake of carbs, high fats, starches and alcohol will lose weight. But how safe is that…not to mention the “rebound” effect after you resume eating normally. From my opinion, you have just put your body into massive “starvation mode.” And hence, this will start all the “yo-yo” dieting urges in the body.

Now I am not a medical professional but I do have common sense and have coached 100s of others through Nutritional Cleansing for the past 8 years so I do know a lot about what works and what does not.

Also, who knows the long-term effects of pumping a pregnant women’s hormone into your body? There are just too many unanswered questions regarding this and the results may not even be attributed to the actual injection…. like I said, most people would see drastic results with that type of regimin without HCG–but a what cost.

Do your own research. Read about how people feel on it, the hair loss, the hunger pains, the lack of sleep, etc….

Here’s another article to get you started but go google it and I challenge you to really do your homework before you start this program.

If you want to try something that is safe, organic, gets results, do-able and cost effective and will set your body up for long term success and not just immediate results and then rebound, let me know! We have created rapid weight loss results in a clinical study but it’s with super high grade nutrition and cleansing–part of an overall total health program.

For more information on our program, click here: